Secondary Battery Materials, Parts & Equipment Show
1. Event Name
Secondary Battery Materials, Parts & Equipment Show
2. Host/Organizer
Korea E&EX
3. Period
2022-08-31 ~ 2022-09-03
4. Venue
10B Hall, Kintex Exhibition Center 2
5. Overview
This exhibition aims to showcase and introduce excellent secondary battery materials, components, and equipment from domestic and international sources. The exhibition not only promotes mutual exchange of technological information but also contributes to the development of related domestic industries and enhances international trade promotion.
6. Result
Number of exhibition booths: 253
Number of participating companies: 147
Number of invited buyers (including domestic and international): 139
Secondary Battery Materials, Parts & Equipment Show
1. Event Name
2. Host/Organizer
3. Period
4. Venue
5. Overview
6. Result
7. Website
8. Reference Images